Softlogix Chassis Monitor

Softlogix Chassis Monitor

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Last week a client sent me a CompactLogix file and PanelView Plus file to review. To test these files together I usually change the CompactLogix file into an Emulator file in RSLogix 5000, and then download it to Emulate 5000 (a processor emulator for RSLogix 5000.)Once this is done, I open the PanelView Plus project in ViewStudio and modify the RSLinx Enterprise (RSLE) shortcut to point at the emulator. However, in this case when I proceeded to update my RSLE shortcut, browsing the virtual backplane didn't display my emulated processor?So, I first restarted the RSLE service, and when that didn't work I restarted my virtual PC. With it still not working, I headed of to the Rockwell Knowledgebase and the only helpful advice it had was to reinstall RSLinx Enterprise.

How to emulate RSLogix5000 program with SoftLogix chassis Monitor LIVE PLC Questions And Answers How to emulate RSLogix5000 program with SoftLogix chassis Monitor - - Interactive Q & A You are not registered yet. Apr 05, 2011  softlogix 58xx rotsa171. Unsubscribe from rotsa171? Transmision de datos entre dos plc virtuales softlogix 5000 - Duration: 18:40. Luis vala 6,140 views.

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Hey guys!I have an annoying problem. I'm trying to emulate a plc to test an RSView HMI.I had RSLogix Emulate and heard SoftLogix should be better, so i installed SoftLogix. When installing i had to uninstall Emulate because they are incompatible.Now, i can't start SoftLogix because it says:'Could not determine which modules are present in the chassis. Aborting the application'And, also i can't uninstall SoftLogix (to go back to Emulate) because:'.FAILED. 1. SoftLogix Chassis modules must be removed'.How am i going to get out of this? Greetings Culan.

And welcome to the forum.sorry but I can’t personally help you with your “installation” problem - because I’ve never worked with either RSLogix Emulate or SoftLogix.but here’s a thought. Why do you need either one of those packages to “test an RSView HMI” application? I’ve always had EXCELLENT results from using the following technique.suppose that you’re animating a display of a tank to show the liquid level rising and falling based on a numerical value in the PLC.


Suppose that the tag is named TANKLEVEL. Instead of setting this up as a “Device” type tag, just set it up (temporarily) as a “Memory” type while you’re working on your graphics, etc. Just put a small (temporary) “Numeric Input” object on your window - and tie that to the TANKLEVEL tag. Now you can manually enter any value that you desire into the tag - and check out the operation of your screen can get fancier of course by using a temporary horizontal or vertical “slider” to more easily change the value.fancier yet: try using the same types techniques used in the RSView “Samples” application. Specifically, check out how the value of the tag “AutomotiveMotion” is automatically incremented in the “Derived Tags” section under “Logic and Control”.basic idea: whatever software you’re trying to use to “emulate” the PLC is probably going to take at least as much trouble (if not MORE) to properly simulate a series of variables as the techniques I’m recommending.

Of course after the initial design work is done, you’ll still have to reassign your tags from “Memory” to “Device” before you put the system into operation in the field - but as long as you work systematically and carefully, that shouldn’t be too hard to do.finally. In SOME cases you can actually go ahead and assign your tags directly as “Device” type and use the same techniques I’ve mentioned to manually adjust the values during the development phase of your project. Try experimenting with a few tags to get started. Secret handshake: USUALLY you can go to the “Node” setup screen and temporarily turn off the “Enabled” checkbox.

Then you can USUALLY manually adjust the tag values yourself.then again, there’s the distinct possibility that I’ve misunderstood exactly WHY you’re trying to emulate the PLC in the first place. If so, feel free to ignore all of this. Good luck with your project. Is it really that strange running a SoftLogix plc and an RSView HMI on the same computer? I even feel this could (if it worked) be a solution for a customer.Try running it that way for a while first.

I've not had good luck with the stability of the Emulate product. Someone would have to try really hard to convince me that SoftLogix isn't the same product with a different name, so expect the issues are there too.Spend some time beating it up and see that it meets your needs before you offer it as a solution.Also, test user access rights. You need to be an administrator on the PC in order to add a processor to the virtual backplane.

This could pose a problem if you're putting any type of user security on the machine. Someone would have to try really hard to convince me that SoftLogix isn't the same product with a different name, so expect the issues are there too.Yes, RSEmulate5000 is a 'cut-down' version of SoftLogix - I was told it was when I complained that RSEmulate does not handle the JSR/SBR/RET parameters in the same order as a hardware controller. I found this anomaly in the first (and last!) attempt at trying to emulate a ControlLogix system. I won't do it again.When I queried why the developers of SoftLogix didm't follow the same 'rules', I was given the answer 'The developers of SoftLogix were not given a specification to work to, so they are not in error'!!

Softlogix Chassis Monitor